You are here: Using the CLI > Context Command Summaries > Certificate Commands

Certificate Commands

Each SSL certificate installed on FortiADC has a CLI context that provides commands for managing the certificate and its associated private key. Certificates, private keys, and CRLs (see the following section) are used by FortiADC to provide SSL offloading for HTTPS clusters.

In SSL offloading, FortiADC terminates the SSL connection with the client, decrypts the client request using a certificate and key, sends the request on to the appropriate server, and encrypts the server response before forwarding it on to the client.

Certificates are uploaded to FortiADC and then associated with one or more clusters. Two types of certificates may be used to authenticate HTTPS cluster connections:

Supported certificate commands are shown in the following tables.

CollapsedUsing Certificate Commands in Global Context
CollapsedUsing Certificate Commands in Certificate Context

The arguments to the certfile and keyfile commands are:

edit - Launch an editor to supply the content of the certificate or key file.

url - Download the certificate or key file from the ftp:// or http:// protocol URL supplied on the command line.