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Smart Control Types

Your user account must have administrative privileges to create Smart Controls. They can execute scripts (events) in four ways:

  1. They can be executed in real time using eqcli command line.syntax in the format eqcli > smart_control scname run.
  2. They can be scheduled for a particular time using a cron-like mechanism. This is scheduled type.
  3. They can be scheduled to repeat every several seconds. This is the interval type.
  4. They can be set up to execute when an event occurs. This is triggered type. This kind of control is only run when a trigger event happens within the system. The alerting mechanism automatically notifies the alert daemon (alertd) when something has occurred. That daemon determines which alerts should be fired. For triggered events, the alertd daemon is responsible for the events themselves, rather than smartd. The alertd daemon reads the configuration and waits for triggers to occur. Once one does, it notifies smartd to execute a particular PHP script. Alerts need to be configured prior to configuring a Smart Control. Refer to Configuring Alerts for descriptions.