You are here: System Settings > Network Configuration > VLANs > About Permitted Subnets

About Permitted Subnets

By default, each VLAN will not forward packets for any other subnet unless they are specifically designated in the Permitted Subnets screen-- sometimes referred to as a "subnet access control list". When a new subnet is added it will be automatically be added to the Deny pane on this screen.

If you would like to allow packets from any other subnet to be forwarded they must be added to the Permit pane on this screen. Using drag and drop functionality, drag a Subnet from the Deny pane and drop it in the Permit pane to allow packet forwarding on the subnet. Similarly, if you would like to remove a subnet from the Permit pane, you can drag and drop to the Deny pane.

Click on Reset to revert to the default permissions. Click on Commit to save any subnet permission changes made.

See VLAN and Subnet Commands for commands used in permitted subnets using the CLI.